11 November, 2005

24 Days Later

This was once a 1.6 1987 Nissan Sunny:
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Yes... You may have heard the stories... mainly from nick... Nick, his bird (Lizzy), Ben, and myself went out to a charity dinner, my brother drove of course, there was no way I was wearing a suit and not drinking.... the dinner went well, but the home journey was not quite as expected, we lasted as far as a train bridge, locally known as 'toot bridge', the road turns 90* to the left, then 90* to the right.  As it was night, and my brother hadn't driven the road much, and as it had been raining very heavilly, we approached the bridge at about 40mph, my brother realised how close the turn was, so he put his foot on the brake, and sweet F A happened.  We ploughed straight into the flint wall and wrote the car off!  Luckilly we were all actually wearing seatbelts, so there were no faitalities, however the fat cunt sitting behind me (Nick) did manage to shunt my seat forwards by about 6 inches.  It was freezing cold, raining lightly, and we were stuck in the middle of nowhere for ages waiting for the RAC to arrive.  The out come was as follows:

-One (out of one) car(s) were wrtten off.
-Three (out of four) people suffered with concussion.
-One (out of four) people smashed their leg(s) in.
-Four (out of four) people were freezig there nipples off.

So there we have it, if you get in a car, you will die, possibly...
The Nissan Sunny measured just over 1ft 6inches shorter on the driver's side.  The accelerator pedal shifted and could have broken the driver ankle.  But both headlights still worked fine...

I'll see if I can find more pictures of this Sunny to pin up here.  P.S. Ben (the driver) had only been driving for 24 days!!!